Trouble With The Curve

Kevin Taft READ TIME: 1 MIN.

Clint Eastwood takes the acting reins and forgoes directing in the baseball dramedy "Trouble with the Curve." A story about a baseball recruiter losing his vision and thus, his livelihood, is benefited by great performances by Eastwood and Amy Adams as his overworked and closed-off daughter. Justin Timberlake proves a likeable actor once again as another recruiter who falls for Adams. The story is pretty simple and we've seen Eastwood do this sort of thing before. There's nothing truly revelatory here, but it's easy to watch and the character's arcs are satisfying. The greens of the baseball fields look particularly striking on Blu-ray as well.

As for Special Features, there are only two short featurettes that together only equal 10 minutes of time. There is no commentary. So as a movie to watch once, sure; as a Blu-ray to own, probably not worth it.

"Trouble with the Curve"
Blu-ray/DVD Combo/Ultraviolet

by Kevin Taft

Kevin Taft is a screenwriter/critic living in Los Angeles with an unnatural attachment to 'Star Wars' and the desire to be adopted by Steven Spielberg.

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